Urinary Bladder stones- Cystolithopexy

Cystolitholapaxy Bladder Stone Surgery

Urinary Bladder stones- Cystolithopexy

Urinary Bladder stones- Cystolithopexy- Bladder stones can develop when urine in the bladder becomes concentrated, allowing minerals and other substances to precipitate and form solid particles.


  1. Hematuria: Blood in the urine, which may be visible or detected under a microscope.
  2. Urinary frequency and urgency: Feeling the need to urinate frequently and with a sense of urgency.
  3. Pain or discomfort: Dull pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, pelvis, or during urination.
  4. Difficulty urinating: Straining to start urination or experiencing a weak urine stream.
  5. Incomplete emptying: Feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied after urination.
  6. Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs): Bladder stones can be a source of recurrent infections.

Meet Our Doctors

Dr Vijay Pal Singh Yadav

Dr Vijay Pal Singh Yadav

MBBS, M.S. (From SMS Medical College) F.I.A.S.


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